Korus Connect helps individuals and communities thrive.

We help build communities that are connected, supported and whole.
Congratulations to NSWP-funded schools
Your school received NSWP Funding. Now what?
Why not benefit from Korus Connect's chaplaincy service?
Are you looking for a chaplaincy position in 2024?
Click the links below to find out more
Child Safety
Korus Connect and Child Safety
Korus Connect believes that all children and young people, including Aboriginal children, have a right to feel safe, be heard and be respected. Our workers are trained to work with children and young people in a safe and respectful way. Korus Connect has zero tolerance of child abuse. Click the buttons below if you would like to contact Korus Connect or find out more.
I am a child/young personI am an adult
three children smiling
Special Religious Instruction
Helping students gain insight from the Christian faith
Do the students at your local school have the opportunity to learn and benefit from the wisdom, stories and values of the Christian faith? What can you do to help?
Our Shared Vision
Partnering for community
That’s where Korus Connect comes in. We bring our experience, resources and networks to start conversations, collaborate on community initiatives and empower communities to become connected, supported and whole.

Let's start building communities that are inspired, supported and whole.

Start a conversation with us.
There’s so much we can achieve together. Connect with us today.
Get in touch